Answers in Genesis

Answers in Genesis is an apologetics (i.e., Christianity-defending) ministry, dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. We focus particularly on providing answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis, as it is the most-attacked book of the Bible. We also desire to train others to develop a biblical worldview, and seek to expose the bankruptcy of evolutionary ideas, and its bedfellow, a “millions of years old” earth (and even older universe).

The Berean Call

The Berean Call was formed for the purpose of encouraging spiritual discernment among those who regarded themselves not just as "evangelicals" but as biblical Christians.  The primary vehicle for this endeavor was through the publication of the newsletter The Berean Call .  Behind every article in the newsletter and website is the exhortation to believers to get back into the Word of God instead of being “carried about by every wind of doctrine,” and to equip them with materials to help them walk in the truth.

Dr. Charles Stanley

In Touch Ministries is the teaching ministry of Dr. Charles F. Stanley. Our mission is to lead people worldwide into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and to strengthen the local church.

Dave Ramsey

Wherever you are in the financial process—making the quest to your mirror, struggling to get your budget to work, paying off that last debt, or debt free and looking for places to give—let us know how we can help you take that next step in your money makeover. That's what we're here for!

Dr. David Jeremiah

Turning Point Ministries was founded in 1982 as the broadcast ministry of Dr. David Jeremiah to deliver the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world.   Three decades later, with a multimedia network featuring radio, television, and online programming, magazines, and books, Turning Point reaches tens of millions of people around the globe with the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  With the potential reach of 480 million listeners, Dr. Jeremiah's radio messages air thousands of times each day, inspiring and equipping the body of Christ around the globe.

freedom in christ ministries

The mission of FICM-USA is to resource and equip Christians in America to experience spiritual freedom and spread that freedom to others. 

Grace to You

John MacArthur is the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, as well as an author, speaker, president of The Master’s College and Seminary, and featured teacher with the Grace to You ministry.

Koinonia House

Our mission is to create, develop, and distribute materials to stimulate, encourage, and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God.

Traditional Values Coalition

For more than 30 years, Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) is a leading voice in the halls of Congress for the Bible-based traditional values that created and preserved our nation and our prosperity for over two centuries.

Revive our hearts

Based in Niles, Michigan, Revive Our Hearts is an outreach of Life Action Ministries.  We are believing God for a widespread personal and corporate revival and reformation among women as we call them to freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ.  We’re also trusting God to continue to grow a grassroots movement of heart revival and biblical womanhood, as we encourage women to:

Discover and embrace God’s design and mission for their lives,

Reflect the beauty and heart of Jesus Christ to their world,

Intentionally pass on the baton of Truth to the next generation, and

Pray earnestly for an outpouring of God’s Spirit in their families, churches, nation, and world.

Wall Builders

WallBuilders  is an organization dedicated to presenting America's forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built – a foundation which, in recent years, has been seriously attacked and undermined.  In accord with what was so accurately stated by George Washington, we believe that "the propitious [favorable] smiles of heaven can never be expected on a nation which disregards the eternal rules of order and right which heaven itself has ordained."